Sunday, April 12, 2009

Scientific Method and Correlation does not Imply Causation

Over the past six plus years of fighting for education reform and taxes I have come to find that educrats and the tax and spend crowd simply do not understand the Scientific Method and correlation does not imply causation.

I think taxpayers and parents must understand both of these concepts so that their BS meter will go off when they hear lines like, "If teachers were paid more the students would perform better and spending more on education produces better results." If as a parent or taxpayer you do not understand these concepts please click on the links provided above. By all means share the scientific method link with your children and grandchildren if they have not learned this concept at school.

Okay lets take a look at this "If teachers were paid more the students would perform better and spending more on education produces better results." Homeschooling parents do not get paid for educating their children and they spend pennies on the dollar educating their children yet their children continually out perform their public school peers. This blows the spending more on education produces better results theory out of the water. Vouchers vs. the District with ‘More Money than God’ is another great piece that proves spending more on education does not improve educational performance.

I could give you hundreds of more examples but it is best to do the research yourself. Find more articles but also when you come across an article that does support spending more on education improves performance, look at the research ask yourself did the researchers follow the scientific method or are they simply stating correlation equals causation.

I found the above picture at AntiQuark.

Spelling and grammar errors as well as typos are left as an exercise for my readers.

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