Sunday, January 21, 2007

Welcome to Croydon Citizens for Reasonable And Fair Taxes

Croydon - Citizens for Reasonable And Fair Taxes (CRAFT) Mission Statement

We support education reform and fiscal responsibility for all school districts. We believe that the majority of public schools in New Hampshire receive ample funding and require no more.

We promote enhanced local control of school districts, and discourage undue influence from higher levels of government and by private special interest groups. School Districts should not be compelled to negotiate with Teacher Unions or other groups; they should answer to the taxpayers alone.

We oppose and deplore the dumbing down of the academic curriculum through fads (ex. "middle schools" as opposed to junior high), and we oppose political propaganda in the curriculum.

We support parents' rights to guide the education of their own children and to home-school without oppressive government regulation.

We support parents' rights to choose a public or private school and to be able to fund this education through public funds with minimal regulation.

We fully support accountability such as the No Child Left Behind Act and do not consider such accountability an unfunded mandate.

We support the notion of free education and encourage schools to discontinue the practice of registration fees. This excludes fees for extracurricular activities.

We support the discontinuation of end of the career pay raises and lump sum payouts to increase retirement benefits.

We oppose State shoring up of funds for the teacher's retirement system and believe it should be solely funded by employees that use the system. If the teachers retirement system does go bankrupt the State should not be responsible to bail out the system.

We oppose any increases in tax rates for schools such as increases in income taxes, property taxes or sales taxes to our schools.

If I paid my taxes as carelessly and dishonestly as the politicians spend them, I would have been in jail long since. – Richard Needham

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