Another outstanding article by the brilliant Ian Underwood. The following article appears in full at Granite Grok.
"At Wednesday’s school board meeting in Croydon, a former school board member and current math teacher — the latter detail turns out to be important — stood up to say that he is ‘happy to help pay to educate other people’s children.’
Now, this guy pays at most a few thousand dollars each year in school taxes. At the same time, the town pays at least fifty thousand dollars each year towards schooling his three kids.
Put a few thousand in, take fifty thousand out. In what sense is he helping to pay for anything?
To put that a different way, ask yourself: If you put $3 in the poor box, then reach in and take out $50, in what sense are you helping the poor?
Of course, maybe he means he’ll be happy to keep paying even after he’s paid back what he’s taken from the town. When would that start?
Well, $50 thousand a year times thirteen years (K-12) is $650 thousand. If he’s paying $2500 a year in school taxes, he should be able to get around to actually helping in about 250 years.
As Richard Mitchell might say, the really interesting question here is whether this guy understands what he’s saying, or doesn’t understand it. In either case, you can at least be happy that he’s probably not teaching math to your children."
To read more of Ian's brilliant writing visit Granite Grok.