Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What are You Doing to Control Costs?

At the town hall meeting Gayle asked Jim Vezina the SAU 43 business manger "What are you doing to control costs?" Beyond the mention of cutting staff he did not say much else. He also failed to mention while cutting staff positions the new budget also includes $500,000 dollars for teacher raises. Yes, the majority of 18% of Newport voters supported the increase but he should have been more open about that at the town meeting.

I have heard a number of Newport teachers and at least two Croydon residents would like Croydon's students to go to Newport Schools when the contract expires in 2010. SAU 43 should be willing to work to mutually adjust their contract with Croydon schools now as a good faith measure, with hopes of an upcoming contract beyond 2010. Currently Newport has one of the highest unemployment rates, many residents in Newport and Croydon are getting cuts in pay, have to pay a larger portion of insurance costs and no longer are getting matching funds in their 401k. Also many retired private sector employees have taken large hits to their retirement savings.

Public sector employees are constantly asking taxpayers to give, when are public sector employees going to give a little back to the taxpayers for their generosity over the years?

It seems that in other parts of New Hamsphire it won't be anytime soon.

Spelling and grammar errors as well as typos are left as an exercise for our readers.

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