Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Good Luck on May 7th - Enjoy the nice weather at home

Good luck to all sides on the 7th. 

The total number of BALLOTS must reach 283 for the vote to be legal. 

Those in favor of the 1.7 million budget need your ‘no’ vote to make their ‘yes’ votes count. 

So the ONLY way to vote against the $900,000 increase is to NOT cast a vote on May 7th. 

Please don't let intimidation be a factor in voting on Saturday, it will only encourage more of it in the future. It is your money, it is not greedy to want to keep your own money and expect the school district to be more fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars. 

Cathy Peschke 

“• As society rapidly changes, individuals will have to be able to function comfortably in a world that is always in flux. Knowledge will continue to increase at a dizzying rate. This means that a content-based curriculum, with a set body of information to be imparted to students, is entirely inappropriate as a means of preparing children for their adult roles.” 
― John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling

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