Friday, April 23, 2010

When They Don't Get Their Way They Act Like Spoiled Brats

The following piece appeared on the San Francisco website. Educators in the past were always expecting the taxpayer to give more until recently they were never willing to give taxpayers a break. Unfortunately New Jersey teachers will probably learn this lesson after they receive pink slips.

Spelling and grammar errors as well as typos are left as an exercise for my readers.

NJ teachers unions ratchet up the vitriol on Gov. Chris Christie
Commentary Staff Writer
04/21/10 8:28 AM PDT
If a politician is making teachers unions mad, most likely he's doing something right. And Chris Christie has made teachers unions, very, very angry:

They're the kind of obscenity-laced schoolyard taunts that could get a student suspended.

But the target of this tirade is New Jersey's Gov. Chris Christie — and the perpetrators are the state's teachers, irate over his calls for salary freezes and funding cuts for schools.

In Facebook messages visible to the world — not to mention their students — the teachers have called Christie fat, compared him to a genocidal dictator and wished he was dead. The postings are often riddled with bad grammar and misspellings.

"Never trust a fat f...," read one profane post on the Facebook page, "New Jersey Teachers United Against Governor Chris Christie's Pay Freeze," which has some 69,000 fans, many of them teachers.

"How do you spell A-- hole? C-H-R-I-S C-H-R-I-S-T-I-E," read another.

But my favorite bit of criticism is this:

The acrimony intensified last month when Christie proposed cutting state and federal aid to districts by 11 percent, calling it a way to share sacrifice as the state tries to rein in spending.

That's when the Facebook attacks really took off.

One educator, a librarian with a Master's degree, described the cuts as "rediculous."

Yeah, why don't these people deserve higher pay! Good on the Associated Press for reporting this.

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