Monday, September 14, 2009

Little old Croydon had one of their very own at the 9/12 March in Washington, DC

Waiting for an update of one of Croydon's very own at the 9/12 March in Washington, DC. I wanted to go myself but my mother-in-law was in town.

Someone from Newport sent me the following email. "Brian and I went to the Tea Party in DC yesterday. What a great day and tremendous crowd of patriots. Don't believe the news reports that give attendance numbers in the "tens of thousands". Baloney. DC Police had the crowd at 1.2 million and other estimates went as high as 2.7 million, yet there was little coverage of the event by our great news media. Michelle Malkin has some photos (on her website) of the crowd stretching from the Capitol steps to the Washington Memorial."

Sadly much of the media choose to ignore the event and the media is distorting the numbers present. Surprisingly the media overseas covered the event better than in America.

America Thinker has a great article about the rebellion triggered in America. They article makes a great point, "Thomas Jefferson in his First Inaugural address in 1801 described what he called the sum of good government as, "a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned." But Jefferson also warned, "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground."

I am not a praying person, but lately I have been praying for the survival of the Republic, our Constitution and our Country.

Spelling and grammar errors as well as typos are left as an exercise for my readers.

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