Saturday, August 8, 2009

Is This Really The Home of the Free?

I can't believe I live in Country that is asking it's fellow Americans to snitch on its fellow Americans.

I can't believe I love in a Country where a black man gets beaten up by Union thugs and Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the ACLU are not their to help him.

I can't believe I live in a Country where Doctors have to spend their valuable time protesting against socialized medicine.

I can't believe that we have a President who is hypocritical about who gets to express their 1st Amendment rights and how they do it.

I can't believe I live in a Country where the President acts to divide the Country and asks one group to act violently against another group.

I can't believe I live in a Country where the Speaker of the house says garbage like this and the mainstream media lets her get away with it.

I could go on forever but I will close it with....

I am grateful that I live in a Country that is not going to put up with all of it and breaks out in God Bless America when blocked by union thugs and our legislators.


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