Sunday, April 17, 2022

How Taxation is Like Slavery.

Croydon property owners have become somewhat of slaves to the Croydon school district.  We don't really own our homes, if we don't pay the ransom to the Croydon School District we lose our homes.   

To read the full story, click on the title.

Cathy Peschke

Frederick Douglass, Tax Rebel

by Jeffrey Tucker

"Draining me of the last cent of my hard earnings, he would, however, occasionally—when I brought home an extra large sum—dole out to me a sixpence or a shilling, with a view, perhaps, of kindling up my gratitude; but this practice had the opposite effect — it was an admission of my right to the whole sum. The fact, that he gave me any part of my wages, was proof that he suspected that I had a right to the whole of them. I always felt uncomfortable, after having received anything in this way, for I feared that the giving me a few cents, might, possibly, ease his conscience, and make him feel himself a pretty honorable robber, after all!"

"Chattel slavery is a grave moral evil, on a level incomparable to bad tax policy. Nonetheless, commerce, in the life of Douglass, served as the inspiration and the means for obtaining freedom – and freedom from what? From his personal equivalent of the tax man who dared to take from his hands that which his own hands had earned."

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