Friday, April 15, 2022


 I have resigned my position as Supervisor of the Checklist in Croydon. Our Municipal attorney said we would be following the law and not be suppressing the vote if we did not hold a public meeting until May 31st.   I believe allowing a 47% quorum by adding voters goes against the intent of the law, which calls for 50% to reach quorum. I really don't want to be a part of making that happen. It goes against my principles and my character and is a slap in the face to those who made the effort to register to vote before February 26th and/or on election day March 8th, and to those that attended the meeting on March 12.  It is a slap in the face to the tradition of town hall meeting day. I could not live with myself.  Principles matter greatly to me.

Allowing people to register to vote when otherwise ineligible encourages more outrageous behavior and I don't want to be a part of it.  It would be a horrible example to my children.

 I will not be attending the May 7th meeting, as I don't want quorum reached.  I encourage all Croydon voters to stay home as well. $10,000 per student is generous, $22,000 is greedy. I ask my fellow residents who believe school taxes are too high to just stay home on May 7th.  If you don’t want your school taxes to go up 113%, just stay home.  If you want your property taxes to drop about $1000-$4000 (depending on home value) just stay home.  Don’t let the status-quo tax-and-spend crowd reach the 283 people needed to overturn the democratic process in Croydon.

Cathy Peschke

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